CAS number | 61822-18-2 |
Molecular formula | C14H13NO2 |
Product name | 2,7-Dimethoxy-9H-Carbazole |
Molecular Structure |
Molecular Weight:227.25900
CAS No. 61822-18-2 is a synthetic chemical compound used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. It is a colorless crystalline solid with a molecular formula of C17H31NO4.
This compound is produced using a process known as nitration, which involves heating and combining nitrogen-containing compounds with a base and an acid. The resulting compound is a nitrate ester, which is then purified and neutralized to form the final product.
CAS No. 61822-18-2 is used in a variety of applications, including as an intermediate for producing other chemical compounds, as an emulsifier in pharmaceutical preparations, and as a preservative in food products. It is also an important component in the production of polyurethanes and polyamides.
CAS No. 61822-18-2 is a relatively stable compound and is not considered to be a hazardous material. However, it should always be handled with care and stored in a sealed container away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat.
CAS No. 61822-18-2 is a versatile chemical compound that is used in a wide range of applications in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Its chemical and physical properties, along with its relative stability, make it an ideal choice for a variety of processes.